Everyone has talents. And everyone has the experience of discovering talents that they didn’t know they had. Some time ago, I discovered one such talent: the ability to win a limbo contest. Because the concept of flexibility is one that relates to so many areas of life, I thought that I should elaborate on my philosophy concerning limbo, to aid those who are having difficulty bending over backwards.
Rule number one is, don’t look back. Think of it like ripping off a band-aid. It’s easier to just bend back and take a run at it. Procrastination never works out in the end anyways. Besides, when you just go for it, you don’t need to hold that awkward position forever, contemplating when you’re halfway under if you’ll be able to get up again. Don’t wonder if you can, just do it.
Rule number two…have posture, and don’t picture yourself on the floor. Don’t associate those who bend over backward with those who have “doormat syndrome”, and you’ll be fine. You get what you expect – have some confidence in yourself and expect to win.
The third rule is not to pay attention to the stars – or other ocular floaters. More than likely, by the time you’ve been under the bar a number of times, you’ll know what I mean. While some people might enjoy the surreal, light-headed feeling and the little sparkles floating through the edge of their vision, some of us have not developed the appreciation for such moments. For myself, I find it helpful to ignore such experiences and remind myself that pain is only temporary; first place in a limbo contest will last until people forget. And that usually takes a couple of days.
Rule number four is fairly simple: let your competition go first. That way, they set the bar, so to speak. If they make it, you know it can be done; if they don’t, you know you just have to make it once more than they did. It makes it a little easier if you set short-term, goals – especially when you think your goals are unrealistic.
And finally, the suggestion: have a friend lined up in advance to massage the kinks out of your poor back. Oh, and it might be a good idea to refrain from participating in another limbo competition for a couple of weeks.